We are Australia’s Specialist Property Accountants

About You

High Cashflow Property Investors

You are, or aspire to be, an accumulator of quality assets. In this regard, you are keen to develop passive income and wealth through a property portfolio to fund your lifestyle and look after your family.

Your aspirational portfolio will likely include high cash flow properties like HMO, rooming houses, co-living properties, NDIS, Air BnB etc.

We know that deep down you desire financial independence. For our business clients, this manifests itself in “taking money off the table” by extracting profits from the core business. For our employed clients, it’s the thought of firing their Boss early, or at least having the freedom to do so at a time of their choosing. Irrespective, our Property Investor clients are generally on a mission to create passive income through an astute buy and hold property strategy.

Your family is very important to you. You sure want to ensure that your wealth is inherited by your family as per your wish in the quickest and most tax and cost-efficient manner.

Likely, you are frustrated that your accountant next door does not understand the subtleties of property or perhaps is only familiar with negatively geared property scenarios. More than likely, you’ve got the distinct impression your file has been handed to a junior accountant because you’re not a business owner.

To achieve your end objectives, you now seek to partner with an accountant who not only understands property but specialises in it. Certainly, you’re looking for more than just a tax return. It’s an accountant that you seek who you can check with on the issues and questions that arise from having a property portfolio. Ultimately, you’re after an adviser who can guide you to developing your ultimate property portfolio.

Established Small Business working in the field of Property

You are currently running a business which is based upon the property industry. Likely, you will be a registered builder or tradesperson. Alternatively you could be in a property related business such as architecture, drafting, conveyancing, interior design or landscaping. Or perhaps you are a buyers agent, helping clients create wealth through property. Irrespective, you will relate to being a family enterprise employing staff/contractors and pushing hard to grow your business.

Over time, it has become increasingly apparent that being technically proficient in your chosen field is not enough to be successful in business.

Potentially, tax payments come as a surprise and you don’t know if you are paying more tax than necessary. BAS-related payments every quarter seem to eat into your cash flow. And from time to time you likely wonder if your business is structured smartly and if your private wealth is at risk should something go wrong.

Numbers and financial statements don’t talk to you easily and are not your best friend for some reason. But you are acutely conscious that deciphering numbers is important to understand your business. You acknowledge that getting the numbers right will help you stay ahead on cash flow and increase profitability.

Originally, you thought your bookkeepers would be of help but you’ve become increasingly frustrated that they only do data entry and reconciliations.

To get ahead and stay ahead, you are now looking more expectantly for accounting assistance. It’s clear that you need an accountant with practical property experience who can help you understand numbers, proactively save you taxes and help protect your hard-earned wealth.

Property Developers

A savvy property eagle, you are well-versed in the design codes and the process of land subdivisions. You are good at spotting a development opportunity and unlocking the land value by subdividing. You consider this to be a good way to accumulate capital quickly.

Of course, you are aware (or need to be) that the property development creation journey is riddled with traps called GST and income tax.

As a property developer, you are potentially aware that the ATO is likely to treat you as a business and deny the concessions like 50% discount on capital gains which are available only to investors. It may nonetheless come as a surprise that up to 67% of your development profits could go to the ATO in taxes if not managed proactively.

You are also acutely aware that your projects carry risks entailed with cost escalations, delays and unexpected set backs, all of which can quickly lead to bankruptcy if you are not smartly structured.

You obviously don’t wish death by taxes or bankruptcy and now seek to work with a specialist property accountant on a long-term basis to minimise taxes and structure your affairs for the best asset protection.

You would appreciate the value of having an astute numbers person on your team who can act as a sounding board and prepare financial scenarios on proposed developments, plus provide timely reporting on live projects thereafter.

Foreign Property Investors

As someone who doesn’t reside in Australia, you are keen to diversify your wealth to hedge financial or political risks in the country where you live.

You may even be an Australian citizen now resident overseas and wish to invest in Australia to connect back to your roots.

Irrespective, accumulating one or more properties in Australia appeals to you as a way of growing wealth and diversifying risk.

Your preliminary research has indicated that the conditions for investing in the Australian property market are quite favorable, with strong migration and housing shortages, strong rentals, low vacancy rates and good prospects for capital growth.

Likely, this research will have provided comfort that Australia is politically stable with strong laws to guarantee the safety of your investment. On top of this you will no doubt take comfort that there are no exchange controls and you can freely repatriate your money.

From an execution perspective, you recognise that it is impractical to make and manage direct property investments from afar.

Accordingly, you are seeking an adviser in Australia who can turn your strategy into reality. Such an adviser would ideally be able to deliver two important aspects.

Firstly, you need an adviser who can provide you with strategic advice related to the Australian property market and who is also strongly connected to a reliable network of experts to help you acquire and manage properties.

Secondly, you need a registered accountant who is well versed in the issues which need to be worked through, including , FIRB approvals, tax minimisation, bookkeeping, financial reporting and tax compliance.

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